Do not waste time on reading this, just go and play. Reviews and other people’s impressions would spoil your own unique experience, believe me. At least before you play the game yourself. So click on the shop and buy the hood. Then go to Grandmother’s House and stay on the Path. That’s all you need to know for now. Later, at some point, you may want to come back here. Just a word of warning: reading other people’s opinions may become very annoying. They don’t understand, they overlook, they seem deaf, blind and unresponsive. Others seem pretentious, exaggerating, overreacting. That’s all right. They all have a right to be so. Everyone plays his/hers own game, so everybody’s version is different. And probably correct, though it’s hard to believe.
For you and about you
The game is about you. To a great extent it will be made by you. It’s up to you how you make it and what you make of it. Just react. Not only with your fingers. Keep your eyes and ears open. You have also thoughts, emotions, feelings, memories to interact with the game. Do not worry about the rules. Do not read manual, it’s pointless. It would only tell you how to manipulate your mouse or keyboard. It would not explain how to use your heart, mind or soul, if you’ve got one. Sooner or later you will understand. Later doesn’t mean worse, just different.
If you are a hardcore gamer, this is going to be tough experience unless you change your attitude and overcome old habits. You may need to redefine terms like „the game”, „play”, „save”, „restart”. You must forget about score, „beating the game”, fighting. Do not even try to fight against the pace, just surrender. If you’d never call a game „beautiful” or „touching”, probably it is too late for you to play The Path. Or maybe you are not ready yet.
If you don’t play video games at all or if you think most of them are plain stupid, brutal, vulgar or meaningless – this one may be the first made for you.